Sunday, March 14, 2010


Is your child dyslexic? Does your child possess a learning disability? Is he/she interested in becoming a writer? If the answer to any one of these questions is yes, then WordQ is the software for you.
WordQ fosters independence and competence in writing. It allows writers of different ages to express their writer's creativity and confidence while increasing their self-esteem.

WordQ works well with writing software such as MS Word, WordPad, NotePad or Outlook. Its main features are suggested words and spoken feedback of words typed. WordQ allows for easy spelling of difficult words by suggesting words which begin with the letter that is typed. It also allows the word to be read after it is typed, which assists the writer with proofreading. Text can also be highlighted and read aloud. Read more...

WordQ personifies Vygotsky's theory of scaffolding. Children with learning disabilities are able to write with the support of WordQ without stifling their creativity. WordQ offers just enough support and prompts to enable these exceptional children to write confidently. This programme also allows them to learn by being active participants in their writing.

Key Benefits of WordQ:

1. WordQ encourages productivity, independence, self-confidence & motivation

2. Increases spelling and vocabulary

3. Students can hear what they have typed, check for spelling and word flow

4. Proofreading is made simpler with highlighting and speech

5. WordQ is suitable for individual age and writing level

What WordQ users say.

Friday, February 26, 2010

MATHMEDIA EDUCATIONAL SOFTWARE, INC. developed a series of software programmes with both the teacher and student in mind. It focuses on areas such as Arithmetic, Basic Math, Reading and Critical Thinking Skills, Algebra and Geometry.

My focus will be on The Arithmetic Series for elementary students and teachers.

This software will be appropriate for all ages from Kindergarden to adulthood. It facilitates the Individuals with Disabilities Act, 2007 (IDEA ’07) in its plan for special education since it makes it easy for students with learning disabilities as well as those who are gifted and would like to accelerate, to be incorporated into the normal school system. The prerequisites for using this software are beginning reading skills and point-and-click keyboard skills which simplifies navigation, even for a child.

The Arithmetic Series consists of a set of five (5) skills programme CD-ROMS. Each CD on a topic has 10-15 minutes learning sections with audio, which accommodates the auditory as well as the visual learner.

MathMedia provides for teachers to utilize Vygotsky’s theory of scaffolding in their teachings since the programmes are generally self-paced, the programme grows with the students while allowing students to revisit and revise difficult topics.

This series of programmes is designed in a bottom up hierarchical sequence, the easiest starting from the CD labeled numbers 1 to 5 which facilitates Piaget's theory that children construct their knowledge based on what they already know.

Sunday, January 31, 2010

IBG Phonic Program

IBGThe use of technology provides both parents and  children with countless software for making learning fun and easy. The use of educational software has become an integral part of education in both homes and schools. In Trinidad and Tobago, our education system is no different. Many schools in Trinidad use the I.B.G. Phonic programme as part of their literacy strategy. This Programme was developed with the intention of eliminating illiteracy in Trinidad and Tobago by Olive Reyes-Clarke, more than twenty years ago.

In recent times schools in Trinidad and Tobago adopted this programme as an integral part of its teaching technique. The programme teaches students not only to read but also to spell. As a teacher and parent, through personal experience with the programme, I have found the programme to be quite on target and helpful in getting children to develop reading in a short time. This programme is equipped with exciting pieces of music loaded with rich content to aid in increasing the concentration span of young children who are usually easily distracted.

The programme features two volumes. Volume one contains two sixty-minute musical audio CDs, an alphabet, vowel and consonant chart, a word-building book with letters for building words, a reading book and a Parent/Teacher Guidebook. This volume mainly targets younger children, although it is also suitable for older children who did not acquire the basic phonemic skills. It aims at getting young children to develop reading in a short time.
Volume one is appropriate for use in the first year infants department as a visual and audio aid to the resources of the school. Teachers can easily play the CD for students to sing along while using the charts and flash cards to assist with visual aids.

Volume two contains two 60-minute audio CD, phonic drill charts, consonant blends booklets, and workbooks together with five drill charts. It aims to further drill phonics and developing composition, comprehension and vocabulary.

Toddlers, pre-schoolers and children of primary school age all derive pleasure and excitement from using this programme. Its rhythmic melodies, captivates the child and even adult who sings along with the songs not even realising that they are learning. This method of learning keeps children interested in the activities.

The key to learning is repetition. The IBG Phonics Programme facilitates repetition. I some cases children hear and say letter sounds as many as twenty-one times. This technique of repetition helps the child form a strong bond between letter and sound. The remarkable thing about this programme is that children learn and do not realise that they are learning, the process is so relaxing. They are also evaluated without even knowing it. This inspired By God (IBG) Phonic Programme is truly an asset to any home or school. Visit the website at

Educational Technology: E Beam Technology

Educational Technology: E Beam Technology

Educational Technology: E Beam Technology

Educational Technology: E Beam Technology